
Water for life by READ foundation

Disritct Project Name Activites Cost Noc Timeline
Charsada Water for life by READ foundation Water for Life project aims at providing safe drinking water to help 20,000 pupils and 500 teachers at 100 public and low-fee private sector schools, towards an unhindered and sustainable access to a quality education. Water shall be made available through boreholes with monoblock or submersible electric pump water storage facility and drinking water points at each school. Hand pumps shall be installed at schools running without an electricity connection from the national grid. Local community shall also be facilitated in their water needs through this project where feasible and required. Schools at certain locations in AJK where borehole is not feasible owing to very deep water table and subsurface rocks shall get water supply through piped water connections from nearby water sources This provision will, in turn, lead towards improved hygiene and learning environment in schools to help pupils and teachers better focus on educational activities. The clean drinking water will contribute to avoid waterborne diseases, save quality time and efforts and contribute to achieving well-being of the students regarding their learning and living in the near as well as long term future. $173500 September 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020

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