Elementary & Secondary Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Provincial Institue of Teachers Education (PITE)

Creation of PITE

Provincial Institute for Teacher Education (PITE) Peshawar had been established under the teacher training Project in 1997, which presently works as an attached unit of E&SE Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa



To convert the existing educational institutions in the province into real seats and abodes of learning by transforming teachers and educational managers into forward looking change agents through consistent, innovative and strategic training interventions.



To bring qualitative improvement in educational standard in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through creation and provision of continuous professional development opportunities and services to teachers and educational managers in the Province.


Quality Policy

PITE is committed to develop the pedagogical skills and teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa through a continuous innovative process of professional development.



  1. Train teachers in effective and innovative instructional strategies.
  2. Train educational managers in planning and management.
  3. Train School heads/managers in instructional supervision and assessment.
  4. Develop contextualized instructional material.
  5. Prepare Master Trainers for continuous teachers support.

Core Objectives

The core objective of PITE is to enhance the quality of management, teaching & learning at all levels of education by training and nurturing the teachers & mangers both at PITE and simultaneously in the field.



  1. Conduct and test innovative Pre-Service & In-Service teacher training programs
  2. Training of Master Trainers.
  3. Monitor and assess teachers training programs.
  4. Design and conduct research in teacher education, evaluation and assessment
  5. Develop training materials, etc.
  6. Serve as a Provincial Resource Center in education trainings.
  7. Coordinate educational training programs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  8. Organize and Conduct educational workshops/seminars as and when required by the Department.
  9. Supervise & facilitate bridging Courses for teachers to equate Diploma in Education/ADE.
  10. Design and maintain Teacher Education Management Information System (TEMIS)



Coolaboration of PITE



Current Administrative Structure

PITE works as an attached office under the direct control of Secretary to Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary & Secondary Department in various areas of Human Resource Development.


Training Methodologies

  1. Classroom lectures / Presentations
  2. Group Work / Activities
  3. Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  4. Individual and Group Presentations
  5. Study Tours
  6. Cultural Evenings
  7. Syndicate Work / Book reviews
  8. Report Writing


Evaluation Criteria for the Trainees

      • Regularity and Punctuality 100% attendance in all the sessions)
      • Pre / Post Test Achievement
      • Observance of Conduct & Discipline
      • Attitude & Behavior (with Peer, Class in- charges, RPs and others)
      • Self & Peer Evaluation
      • Performance in Syndicate Work.
      • Friendship & support
      • Assignments
      • Professionalism
      • Final grades obtained in the training are recorded on the certificates of each participant


In Service Training

      • HRM Manual for Principal/Headmaster of GHSS/GHS (M & F)
      • Financial Management for Principal/Headmaster of GHSS/GHS (M &F))
      • Manual on School Management for Middle School Head Teachers
      • Manual on School Management for Primary School Head Teachers
      • Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS)
      • Personnel Management (HRD & HRM)
      • Financial Management
      • Academic Management
      • Research Methods, Techniques & Study conduction
      • Civil Service Act 1973 & Rules made there under
      • Manual on Disaster preparedness and Risk Management
      • Manual on psycho social Training for Teachers
      • Manual on Mine Risk Education for Teachers
      • Manual on Peace Education for Teachers
      • Community Participation & Parent Teacher Council (PTC)
      • Manual on School Sanitation & Hygiene Education
      • Manual for Teachers on Child Friendly Schools Concept
      • Manual for Teachers of Rehabilitation Centres
      • Manual for Middle School Head Teachers on Supervision

Traget Population for Trainings (Teachers)

        • Primary School Teachers
        • Middle School Teachers
        • Secondary School Teachers
        • Subject Specialists
        • Community School Teachers
        • Feeder Schools Teachers
        • Accelerated Learning Program Teachers


Target Poluplation for Trainings (Managers)

          • Head Designates of Primary Schools
          • Head Teachers of Middle Schools
          • Headmasters/Headmistress of High Schools
          • Principals of Higher Secondary Schools
          • Education Managers (DEOs, Dy. DEOs, ASDEOs, ADOs heads/Principals of RITEs)



Activities in the Pipeline

Training of all Primary School Teachers in 13 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Lesson Planning.

Training of Middle School Head Teacher on Supervision in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Trainings on Disaster Risk Reduction and School Safety Plan.

Trainings on Early Childhood Care & Education.



Quality Assurance

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for :

          1. Quality assurance;
          2. In-House training;
          3. Field trainings; and
          4. Data Analysis and performance Evaluation of training.

Monitoring and Evaluation

          1. Monitoring mechanism of QA team for random checking of different components of trainings
          2. Feed back from trainees
          3. Data Compilation
          4. Gapes identification through analysis of compiled data
          5. Post training meeting
          6. Follow-up and implementation



Provincial Institute For Teacher Education (PITE)

Visits: 3433