
Pakistan Village development Program

Disritct Project Name Activites Cost Noc Timeline
Peshawar,Swat Pakistan Village development Program This project is to mitigate the risk of potential disasters by enhancing community preparedness. PVDP will achieve this objective through Hazard mapping, Preparedness plans, Capacity building of key stakeholders, Equipment of Emergency control rooms, mock drills, promotional campaigns and improving resilience of WHH. After consultation with PDMA and DDMO Swat Union council Madain have been selected for project interventions as it is more vulnerable to disaster as compare to other UCs. Consultations with women and men in the project community: As PVDP is also working on gender based violence in the targeted area so the proposed project will also focus the AFGP objectives by ensuring equal participation and access of vulnerable (including women, disabled, religious and ethnic minorities, transgender people, poor and other marginalized groups) and promoting gender equality. PVDP have conducted 10 FGDS (5 men, 5 women) in targeted villages of UC Madain in order to identify the community needs regarding disaster preparedness. N/A Peshawar

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