
Annual Status of Education (ASER) Survey by Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aghai

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Peshawar,Mardan Swat, Annual Status of Education (ASER) Survey by Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aghai ASER will be conducted to achieve two primary objectives . Firstly, to measure the learning quality of learning in in urban squatter settlements , also called Katchi Abadis . The survey will be conducted on household level . In each village /block a government and private school will be selected for survey as well . With the schools going through unprecedented lengths of closure during 2020 due to Covid-19 and government introducing distance learning programs, The impact will be measured Assessment of children aged 5 to 16 on English, Urdu, Mathematics and General Knowledge tools designed to match grade-2 level curriculum. 2. Surveying children on if and what kind of challenges they faced to continue learning during school closures. 3. Survey 1 government and 1 private school in each village to assess the challenges that schools faced during Covid-19 and their capacity to continue learning if schools are to face another shut down. Total 60 Schools per district (30 Govt and 30 Private) wilI be assessed. N/A March 2021- August 2021

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