FINAL Seniority List of SST’s (General, Science, Technical and Commerce) corrected up to 2011-12 as stood on 11.07.2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
Seniority list of Deputy District Education Officers / Deputy Directors (BS-18) Male (Management Cadre) as stood on 15-01-2019
1) Check a list of latest Notification
3) Lab Assistant Service Rules 2018
4) TEQS Pilot Study Findings Final Report
5) KP Quality Standards for Teacher Educators
6) Teachers and Teacher Educators in KP
7) Discussion Paper 3 Driving System Improvement
8) Discussion Paper 4 Capacity Development in the Education Sector in KP
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