Elementary & Secondary Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Minister E&SE

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Mr. Faisal Khan Tarakai

Mr. Faisal Khan Tarakai, Minister E&SE Department, has been elected for the First time as Member KP Assembly in 2024 General Elections. He holds B.S (Hons) Marketing Management Degree and is a businessman by profession. He is also a social activist and remained part of various social and welfare organizations including Tarakai Welfare Trust, Liaqat Tarakai Hospital, Liaqat Tarakai Welfare Girls Schools.


No country of world can succeed in attaining the cherished goal of socio economic development without having an efficient, highly skilled and qualified public. Availability of quality educational Institutions spread over whole of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is a way to this purpose. The Government is firmly committed to uphold it’s the constitutional mandate and always strive to fulfill the aspirations of the nation.
This Government is determined to convert the ever increasing youth population in to a potential harbinger of socio economic change. Hence, this due focus on expanding the Educational facilities is in sync with Government’s future road map for the province. It has also accorded high priority to establish schools for children to enable them to successfully meet the future challenges.
It is hoped that creation of a on Education will ensure Khyber Pakhtunkhwa march on the road of self sustained development and play its due role in making this Province a genuinely prosperous, enlightened and economically stable Province in Pakistan.

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